
Kaitlyn & Her Fur Babies | Round Rock, Texas

Kaitlyn and her fur babies are back in front of my lens! This time, Mr. Charles is quite grown up since the last time I photographed him. Instead of being a cute ball of fur, he’s such a handsome boy now! He is already nearly a year old. Khloe still as sweet and adorable as ever, just celebrated her 8th birthday! She’s accepted having a little/big brother more-so now. :)

Woman and her Dogs in Bluebonnets in Austin TexasWhen Kaitlyn contacted me about bluebonnet photos I was so excited. She hasn’t done a photoshoot in them yet since moving here so it was a first for her. I love that we got to include Charlie and Khloe in these as well. Having the pups be a part of the photoshoot is important to Kaitlyn. Of course for me, I always love when my clients include their pups!

I wanted to try a new location with Kaitlyn for these photos; I ended up falling in love with this spot. The light shining through the beautiful trees behind her was too perfect. The field was overflowing with loads of bluebonnets! The dogs were excited to get to sniff all the new scents and flowers. Khloe was beyond happy and excited to ‘hop’ through the field chasing after Kaitlyn.

Capturing memories like these for my clients is always amazing. I’m happy to be a part of giving them something to look back on for years to come!

Kaitlyn, thank you for asking me to be a part of your first Bluebonnet photoshoot. It was my pleasure working with you guys again. I look forward to our next session. :)

Dog in field of Bluebonnets Round Rock TexasWoman and her Dogs in Bluebonnets in Austin TexasWoman and her Dogs in Bluebonnets in Austin TexasDog in field of Bluebonnets Round Rock TexasWoman in pink skirt in bluebonnets Austin TexasWoman and her Dogs in Bluebonnets in Austin TexasDog in field of Bluebonnets Round Rock TexasWoman and her Dogs in Bluebonnets in Austin TexasDog in field of Bluebonnets Round Rock TexasWoman in pink skirt in bluebonnets Austin TexasWoman and her Dogs in Bluebonnets in Austin TexasWoman in pink skirt in bluebonnets Austin TexasDog in field of Bluebonnets Round Rock TexasWoman and her Dogs in Bluebonnets in Austin TexasWoman and her Dogs in Bluebonnets in Austin Texas

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