Mitchell Alexander Nazario
October 20th, 2019
7lbs 12oz – 20″
Welcome to the world, little adventurer.
It was amazing to have the Nazario family back in front of my lens for the arrival of baby Mitchell! It is hard to believe that it has been three months since their maternity session. Baby Mitchell decided that he wasn’t quite ready to arrive on his due date, and wanted to wait a while longer. Deylen and Mitchell couldn’t be happier that he is finally here and healthy as can be!
It was such an honor getting to finally meet him and get in all the snuggles. I was beyond excited to be a part of this photoshoot. Since meeting Deylen and Mitchell, I have truly loved working with them. They are the sweetest couple, with so much love to give everyone around them. It’s easy to feel close to them even shortly after meeting them. When you meet families that make you feel as though you’re a part of their’s, that is the best feeling you could ever hope for; especially as a photographer.
Originally when we planned this newborn session, we knew the weather could potentially be cold, but since he was due early October we thought we’d have time to soak up the warmer weather and do it completely outdoors. The Nazario family had planned his nursery to be all adventure themed to go with their love of the outdoors, hiking, etc. Which is another reason we all connect so well! :) Unfortunately, it was really cold out, 23 degrees in the start of the morning to be exact haha. When baby Mitchell decided to arrive late, we decided to do the majority of the session indoors and sneak in some outdoor shots when it warmed up towards the end of the session.
I’m so glad that Mitchell and Deylen trust me with my vision and ideas! Not only did we get gorgeous photos of baby Mitchell inside their home, but we also were able to sneak out and get beautiful photos of all three of them outside. What is special about having a bit of both is now they have the adventure theme with some outdoors, and also they’ll be able to look back and have that extra intimate connection with that fact that these were taken inside their house.Since they live further out in an area I’m not familiar with, I trusted them with choosing a great location to use. The park we took these in was part of their neighborhood, and has such beautiful views and trails!
Baby Mitchell was the best sleepy baby a photographer could hope for. He truly is already the sweetest little boy! I cannot wait to get to watch him grow. I sincerely love being a part of my client’s family milestones. Getting to look back and know that I photographed baby Mitchell from the time he was in his mummy’s tummy, to his first and second birthday is something so very special.
Mitchell and Deylen, thank you so much for continuing to let me be a part of capturing these precious memories for your family. You’re both such beautiful people inside and out. Thank you for welcoming me into your home, and always being such warm and kind people. I couldn’t be happier that we met and are able to work together to photograph this amazing time in your lives. You have so much love for one another, and of course Khaleesi; but now also for your beautiful son, Mitchell. I knew from the time that we photographed your maternity session that you both already loved him so very much. It’s amazing to see that with you all together now. I cannot wait to work with you all again. I really look forward to getting to watch him grow into a little MAN. :)
Sooo precious, find its indescribable! Just LOVELY!! GOD BLESS THIS CHILD and FAMILY!
Precious & lovely!!