Welcome to the world, Aiden James, you handsome little man! :)
Aiden James Ramos
7.2 LBs – 19″
December 19th, 2019
This was my last session, and newborn session of 2019! I couldn’t have hoped for a better family or little boy to finish out an amazing year with.
Being a part of the milestones for Jenna’s first pregnancy and baby was truly an honor. I absolutely loved working with Rikki and Jenna for their maternity session. When they contacted me about photographing Aiden, I was beyond excited. He was finally here and everyone was safe after the delivery. The best news! :)
Getting to meet and snuggle with Aiden was the best part of my day during this session. He has so much hair! (Which is apparently a trend for my new mums in 2019! Yes, I’m talking about you, Jude! I also have a newborn session that I shot after Aiden’s still to post; lots of hair!! Keep checking back…)
I love photographing all the small, sweet details of newborns during these sessions. What could be more cute than little ears, feet, hands, and eyelashes?! I’ll take all the newborn sessions, all year round.
When photographing newborns in the fall and winter I know how the ability to offer clients to have this session in their home. The tricky part as a photographer is finding the perfect spot on the day of. Jenna let me convert her dining room into a little studio for this session. I love that having it in your home can make it more personal to the family. Looking back on these in the future, it’ll be nice to remember how it was done in her own house.
That being said… The more indoor newborn sessions I do, the more I fall back in love with black and white. There is something extra special about black and white portraits of newborns. I know most of my work you see on here is in colour, as I love showcasing natural and contrasting colours in nature. However, let’s appreciate some beautiful black and whites from this session.
Aiden is such a strong little boy! Throughout the session he was trying to hold his head up on his own, break out of any wraps I put him in, and push himself out of poses. Easy to assume he’ll be holding up his own head, and sitting up alone sooner than most!
I couldn’t be more excited to get to watch this little guy grow up throughout the next year. He is so very precious and already very loved by his parents, and grandparents. Jenna’s parents came to the session to get in some snuggle time with Aiden and to get to watch. This is their first grandchild and they couldn’t be more proud.
Being a part of capturing these precious and beautiful moments for families is really special to me. While this is a job for me, no matter how many newborn sessions I am a part of, it never gets any less special. I know that these moments and memories are special to families. When they have asked me to be a part of capturing them forever to look back on, that is forever heartwarming to me.
Rikki and Jenna, thank you so much for asking me to be a part of this amazing chapter in your lives. Your son is beyond precious… I can’t wait to see him as he grows. Jenna, getting to be a part of this for you in your home, and to meet your parents was fantastic. Thank you for letting me convert your dining room into a studio, haha. Your family is beautiful, and filled with so much love. It was an honor to be a part of these milestones. I look forward to photographing many more for you. :)