
Dog Mum, Patra | Round Rock, Texas

It was supposed to be a rainy day, full of overcast skies and flash flooding; instead we got a beautiful breeze, lots of sun, and not a drop of rain.. Welcome to Austin!

Individual Photography Session Austin Texas Natural Light Photographer

Patra wanted to do a two location session. In the morning we started out in a beautiful park. We discussed how we both wanted to do some water shots of just her by herself. Her pups love playing in the water so having them with us unfortunately wasn’t ideal.

When the sun started to set, we met at the second location where there were loads of bluebonnets! She wanted to shoot at this location to get photos of and with her pups in the field. Patra surprised me by showing up with her hair chopped shorter to the second half of her session! She said she really wanted to do it and just decided to go and get it done before the next location. I think she really suits it and showed it off really well for such a new dramatic change.

Her beautiful dogs, Leia – the Great Dane, and Duchess – the German Shepherd were so sweet! As badly as they wanted to just run through the bluebonnets and play, they did their very best to sit and model instead. Leia’s goofy tongue always cracks me up, even as I am photographing her. Duchess’ floppy ear is the best and suits her personality so much. They’re both the sweetest and seeing them play and snuggle each other in the flowers was too sweet. This didn’t stop them from giving their Mum a hard time any chance they got.. Especially when she was sitting down, at their level.

Individual Photography Session Austin Texas Natural Light Photographer

Individual Photography Session Austin Texas Natural Light Photographer

Individual Photography Session Austin Texas Natural Light PhotographerIndividual Photography Session Austin Texas Natural Light PhotographerIndividual Photography Session with Dogs Austin Texas Natural Light PhotographerDog Natural Light Photographer Austin TexasIndividual Photography Session with Dogs Austin Texas Natural Light PhotographerDog Natural Light Photographer Austin TexasDog Natural Light Photographer Austin TexasDog Natural Light Photographer Austin TexasIndividual Photography Session with Dogs Austin Texas Natural Light Photographer

Individual Photography Session Austin Texas Natural Light Photographer

Individual Photography Session with Dogs Austin Texas Natural Light PhotographerIndividual Photography Session Austin Texas Natural Light Photographer

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