The amazing Boone family is back in front of my lens! Can you believe this cutie is turning ONE this month?! When Katelyn contacted me and said it was already time for Remington’s first birthday, I couldn’t believe it but was beyond excited. Who doesn’t love a smash cake session?? Also can we talk about how ADORABLE this cake is?! Remington’s bow tie is everything, along with his mustache cake. :)
Planning sessions with Katelyn is always fantastic. When you have clients who often have the same vision and ideas that you do for a session it’s always great to see it all come together. I love that Katelyn just had Remington wear suspenders and a bow tie with his cake. No shirt, no shoes – SO cute and timeless! The letters, along with the crate and blue balloons were such a perfect combination for this smash cake session. The location was so beautiful; it helped everything come together perfectly! This park definitely doesn’t get picked enough by clients given all the stunning areas and features it has to offer.
Boone family, thank you so much for asking me to be a part of such an exciting and delightful milestone in your lives. Remington is such a sweet and handsome boy. I truly cannot wait to watch him grow up even more in the future. It is always a lot of fun working with your family and I sincerely look forward to planning many more sessions with you guys.
Happy First Birthday, Remington! :)
[…] being a part of. What is more fun than getting to see a family grow over the years.For Remy’s first birthday we got to do photos of him with the most adorable cake, also by the water. He was such a cutie and […]