
Jack’s Newborn Photoshoot | Leander, Texas

Welcome to the world Jack Slade!

Jack was born two weeks early, but that’s okay, we were all getting impatient to meet him! He was born weighing 8lbs, measuring 21″. It was such an honor to finally meet this little guy. I loved being a part of the Wilson family’s announcement photoshoot, and have been excited to meet him ever since. When Amanda told me he had arrived, early but healthy, I was overjoyed! I got to meet him at 6 days old, the perfect age for a newborn session. :)

We decided to do a morning session to avoid the heat! I found an enchanting park near the Wilson family so that they didn’t have to travel far. It was a gorgeous early morning, with such an amazing breeze blowing through off the water. As the sun rose, the light shone through the trees and glowed all around him. This park is perfect for photoshoots!

Poor Jack is not a big fan of being naked! It took a bit of time for us to get him comfortable and settled, but he was such a trooper. Once he was content, he slept through all the poses we put him in. He even let us finally get him naked!!! Jack was the perfect little model.

Look at all his blonde hair!!!! I love it so much!
Newborn Photoshoot by Natural Light Photographer Austin Texas
I often get asked if I enjoy shooting newborn sessions, the answer is YES. Newborns are actually one of my favorite sessions to photograph. There is something so beautiful about capturing all the little details, and the first days of a baby’s life. These are the moments that fly by far too fast. I love that photography gives us the ability to preserve that time, for you to look back on and enjoy for years to come.

I try to keep my newborn sessions individualized and a bit different in the props I use for each. The cheesecloth I use, I make myself. The blankets and baskets are from all over! For Jack’s session specifically, I was really excited when I found the metal basket. I even messaged Amanda a photo of it from the store, haha! I knew it would be a perfect addition to include in his session.

Wilson family, thank you for choosing me to be a part of this incredible, beautiful new chapter in your lives. I truly adored being a part of Jack’s newborn session. Your family is so amazing, and it’s always such a pleasure to work with you all. Families like yours are the reason I love my job, and I cannot thank you enough. It is an honor to be a part of such a wonderful milestone in your lives.

I am sincerely looking forward to photographing Adaline and Jack together! I know she is going to be such a great big sister. Can’t wait to see you four in a couple months for Christmas photos. :)

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